Introduce Your Teams to Circular Economy

With this customized training, align your teams with the challenges of the circular economy.

Explore the concept, understand how to activate it, and initiate change in your organization using the transformative levers of the circular and resilience

activer l'économie circulaire
  • Customised training

  • Line up your team

  • Interactive formats


Raise awareness of circular economy within your teams

Circular Economy, a Source of Opportunities for Your Organization

Circular industry, greenwashing, carbon mitigation, B Corp accreditation—these terms come up frequently in your discussions with colleagues. However, it seems that everyone interprets these terms differently. Some emphasize the importance of transforming the business model of your organization, others deem it unfeasible or excessively complex, and a few argue that technological advancements will quickly render sometimes opaque concepts obsolete

For you, it is clear that each day plays a crucial role in building the world of tomorrow. At times, you feel dismayed by the lack of genuine awareness within your company.

You are aware that a breakthrough, alignment, a shared "eureka" moment is necessary to instigate change. You are in search of this inspiration, but so far, few things have piqued your interest.

Embarking on a journey around the world to discover concrete examples of failures in our current models and confronting them with the advantages of the seven pillars of the circular economy—this is the content, part workshop, part master class, offered by Brieuc Saffré and Justine Laurent, co-founders of Circulab and speakers at Polytechnique, HEC, ESSEC, and ENSCI.

In half a day, your teams will assimilate the dangers and consequences of prevailing linear economic models and identify the challenges, as well as the economic, social, and environmental benefits of a circular economy. Most importantly, they will be able to discern how to tailor these approaches to the challenges of your organization.

Personalized contents

What you will learn

circular economy priniciples
  • Comprehend the key attributes of the circular economy.

  • Assimilate the major advantages and limitations of circular economy for a business

  • Understanding how to implement the circular economy within one's organization.

They already are part of the Circulab Academy


"Outstanding training that quickly provides an initial understanding of the circular economy and its application in a professional context!"

Mathieu P.

"An excellent introduction that offers a perspective on the possibilities of the circular economy, with all the concepts encouraging businesses to adopt circular practices!"

Erwan D.

"The training experience is extremely beneficial, the approaches particularly practical, and the tools well designed to facilitate practical application."

Sophie R.


Meet the trainers

Brieuc Saffre circulab

Brieuc Saffré, a consultant specializing in circular economy and innovation through business models, co-founded Circulab in 2012, a circular design agency collaborating with major players such as IKEA, L'Oréal, and Interface, as well as SMEs.

As a consultant for these large companies, Brieuc has designed innovative tools such as the Value Chain Canvas and the Circular Business Model.

He has created several educational modules for various higher education institutions and shares his expertise as a regular speaker in renowned institutions such as Polytechnique, ESSEC, HEC, and ENSCI.

Brieuc is also the author of several works, including Activer l'économie circulaire.





Justine Laurent circulab

Justine Laurent is a change agent in the field of circular design, with 10 years of experience in topics related to the circular economy and business model design, particularly applied to training, facilitation, mentoring, and consulting.

She holds the position of General Manager at Circulab and oversees the Circulab community, a community of certified experts present in 19 countries.

As a consultant, she works for the City of Paris on reducing single-use plastics, for food companies on launching new circular offerings, and on improving the management of bulky waste, among other projects. She also assists entrepreneurs and SMEs in European projects.

In 2022, she was included in the top 50 personalities in CSR established by the Cercle de Giverny."




fabrice sorin

With 15 years of experience in multinational corporations, Fabrice Sorin is a graduate of the University of Bradford School of Management, where he earned an MBA in Innovation and Circular Economy with distinction.

His research and publications focus on the applicability and value creation potential of the circular economy in the context of service industries. Fabrice is particularly interested in new business models and resilience issues within economic actors.

He shares his analyses and knowledge through publications addressing topics related to the circular economy, service industries, the hospitality sector, and specific issues within the circular economy.



Taylor Made contents

Take action with our training programs

At Circulab, we believe that the most effective way to acquire knowledge is through hands-on experience with real cases, exercises, and examples. Our methods, tools, and pedagogical approach ease the assimilation of circular economy concepts to address business challenges. Take action with Circulab!

Activate the circular economy - a personalized workshop

Explore how the circular economy enables a genuine transition to a sustainable and resilient economy

  • Comprehend the foundations of the circular economy and learn how to activate them within your organization

  • 2 to 4 hours of conference-workshop with your teams.

  • Access to our tools (Circular Canvas, Partners Map, Value Chain Canvas)

  • In a conference/workshop format, two to four hours of inspiration for your teams

Last update 24/11/2023

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