Learning and applying

A hands-on learning experience to accelerate your circular economy transition

For the past 10 years, at Circulab we have been providing training for organizations to deploy a Circular and Sustainable Economy around the world.

Our professional online courses are based on the learning-by-doing method and mix theoretical fundamentals with practical use cases for an immediate application of your new skills to your Circular Economy transformation.

From intention to action

Circulab is an independent business design and strategy agency based in France and powered by a multidisciplinary international community of more than 100 experts. Our mission is to enhance the resilience of human and natural ecosystems thanks to the Circular Economy.

With the Circulab Academy, our ambition is to provide fundamental skills and powerful tools, used worldwide for over a decade, to support the transformation of organizations towards a circular, more sober and resilient models.

Circulab Academy training courses

What are the benefits?

Develop new professional skills and advance your career.

Learn anytime, anywhere, at your own pace or with a group.

Get free access to great tools and transform your projects.

Connect with other professionals and join a meaningful network.

Become a change maker and create positive impacts!

Learning by doing

The Academy's training courses are created and led by circular economy experts who use these methods and tools on a daily basis in their activities. This means our training is always up-to-date with the latest industry insights and use cases.


They are committed to sharing their expertise and to support your learning journey. Our trainers will take you out of your comfort zone to help you rethink your processes and thus successfully evolve towards a new model with high economic, social and environmental value.


Our professional training courses have been specially designed to adjust to your busy schedule. The courses provide a practical experience, they will give you opportunity to connect with other industry experts and professionals committed like you to lead a sustainable transition.


Learn from challenges and real cases, imagine yourself in the situation and find new solutions collectively to tackle modern problems. Learning by doing combines theory with practice, it ensures a good understanding and a quick upskilling for everyone.

Hands On learning experience

A method to get started and grow

Explore Circular Economy


Thanks to short videos and practical exercises accessible at any time in a secured online platform accessible, discover the fundamentals of the course subject at your own pace.

Create Creative Intelligence


The knowledge and skills needed for any transition increase when shared. This is the whole principle of our cohort training and collaboration with experts.

Collective intelligence is one of the keys to success.

Implement skills


Take your ideas and make them real! Transform your projects with our effective, free and intuitive tools available online thanks to digital platforms such as MIRO or MURAL. Alone or as a team, put your learning into practice.

  • community

    Cohort training

    Work and share in a small group of 5 learners. Study the educational content individually and then participate collectively in group work.

  • At your own pace

    Develop your knowledge and skills independently. Accessible from anywhere and at any time, these courses are designed to fit easily into your daily life.

  • Certification

    Certified courses

    Advance your professional career with our certified training courses. Become a Circulab Catalyst and initiate positive change! Circulab is a certified training organization.

Tools every business needs

At Circulab, we believe that everyone has a role to play in rethinking our systems and designing a sustainable future.

This is why we want to help increase knowledge and skills while providing access to high-performance tools to as many people as possible.

Our tools, created from real transformation, design and strategy projects, products and services, have been proven efficient in various missions and industries all over the world. These design tools help accelerate the Circular Economy, they can be downloaded for free and are independent of the training courses, but the courses will allow you to understand and make the most of their full potential.

design tools for Circular Economy,

What do they say about us?

Testimony Master Circular Design

Sebastien M.

A training course to get started with Circular Economy.


Laetitia T.

A relevant method and tools to create a regenerative economy.


Hubert T.

A fresh and complementary vision adjsuted to my skills.

Maribelle M.

Master Circular Design

« A smart program that provides comprehension and analysis tools that are easy to grasp and handle. A new method, very practical to apprehend and efficient in terms of application. »

Gwenaelle H.

Master Circular Design

« High quality training with good support, I recommend! »

Amandine P.

Master Circular Design

« It's a very thorough and demanding training, but very exciting and which keeps its promises: you come out of it with real knowledge of the circular economy and above all with circular design tools that you can (almost) easily reuse. »


How to stay in touch?

Join our newsletter community that reunites more than 10 000 changemakers worldwide! We will inform you about the latest insights, use cases, new courses and solutions to make the Circular Economy a reality.

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