Improve business resilience

9 hours to identify your clients' risks and inspire them to change


Transformation and impact innovation facilitator

"I loved Circulab's relaxed, home-like atmosphere, the hands-on approach to teaching, the practical case studies, and above all the demo, which allowed me to see first-hand the impact on users".


Coach and facilitator

"In my opinion, the best things about the course were the alternation between playing and learning. But also the tool for making scenario cards yourself and the practical application. The fact that I was able to run a session on the same evening".


Innovation coach

"For me, the game is the best element! With the events at the end (Social/geopolitical/environmental) and a great trainer -;) "

Are you successfully initiating your clients sustainable transformation?

A course led by Brieuc Saffré
Co-Founder of Circulab.

Your interlocutors are increasingly asking you how to understand the risks associated with climate change. Whether through awareness workshops or even frescoes, your participants will feel challenged. But on the other hand, when it comes to integrating changes into their daily lives or into their business strategy, old habits persist.

You have succeeded in making them understand the extent of the phenomena, but your interlocutors have difficulty changing when it comes to adapting.

Most of the time, your clients remain stuck in their classical decision-making patterns. It is often too difficult to imagine the direct consequences of a drought in Taiwan or a locust invasion in Argentina.

Also, while not always being able to understand the subject in a systemic way, the growth of the company's margin too often remains the only decision-making indicator. The search for sustainability is not yet the priority.

In your view, your clients are only just beginning to understand why they need to change and don't yet know how.

How can you get your clients to initiate

their transformation?

You already have some tools and you may already be a facilitator in this field, but you have seen the limited power of these tools in terms of actions.

Today, you are seriously lacking in high-impact tools that have a real power to transform organisations. You're not looking for a simple awareness-raising tool; you want to deploy a method that will enable your customers to take action.


The Business Resilience Game is the key to transforming the businesses you support.

From awareness raising to real transformation

For years, we have taught companies to reduce their negative impacts with the principles of Circular Economy.

We have long been frustrated that too many companies still take a long time to actually change models. We finally found the solution to really involve companies thanks to a dynamic adaptation of the threats of the 21st century.

This interactive and game-based approach allows you to:

  • Skip the stage of understanding the issues by helping your participants project themselves to seize the issues and constraints of the 21st century

  • Help understand the necessary balance between economic performance and resilience

  • Make your customers want to anticipate future issues to design their action plans

The Business Resilience Game allows you to better understand your business risks and opportunités

A collective awareness that drives transformation

In September 2020, we hosted a first demonstration of the Business Resilience Game during a professional event with various small and medium-sized enterprises (SMEs).

A tool to help companies realize the risks and opportunities of their sector

A serious game appreciated by all

At first, the participants seemed quite puzzled when we talked about business resilience… then they started to direct their fictional businesses through the game.

They got involved and experimented with their choices just like they usually would until the reveal at the end of the game! They then understood the importance of considering short and long term. Above all, they understood the need to find a balance between economic performance and the resilience of their model.

Spontaneously, they looked at every card in the game and began their action plan to improve the resilience of their business.

How to deploy the game with your clients?

To help you support your customers' transformation, we have created the Improve Business Resilience course.

Not only will this course enable you to develop your skills in resilience subjects, it will also enable you to learn how to animate the Business Resilience Game while preparing your customers to develop sustainable strategies

- 1 -

Learn by playing

Deploy the Business Resilience Game in 1.5 hours and introduce your client the importance of resilience

- 2 -


After using the game, get your customers to come up with ideas in line with their challenges.

- 3 -

Create an action plan

Create a resilience action plan and integrate a margin of progress between what already exists and what is desired.

The program

One day to become a Business Resilience Game facilitator

Understand what business resilience means

Learn to identify how a company can be resilient

Master the 'Business Resilience Game' tool

Learn how to create a resilience action plan for a company

training course resilience

Improve the Resilience of a Company - Online Course

With this course, shift your mindset and find the best balance between perfomance and capacity to anticipate major threats.

  • Learn how to identify the main stocks, capacities or functions of a company to improve its tolerance to business risks

  • 15 hours of training, learn at your own pace

  • Hands-on course: videos, quizzes, business resilience exercises

  • Free access to the Circular Canvas and the Value Chain Canvas templates and guides as well as support from a member of Circulab team during the course duration (4 weeks)

  • Q&A session: 1 live Q&A session with a member of the Circulab team

  • Course Completion Certificate: Business Resilience Catalyst delivered by Circulab

  • Access to all modules anywhere, anytime in our online platform

  • Access to training, resources and a dedicated online forum for 1 year

  • Business Resilience Game delivered to your place to run your own workshops (board, cards, accessories)

950 euros

Who is the trainer?

Brieuc Saffre circulab

I am Brieuc Saffré and I have been involved in circular and regenerative economy topics for the last past 10 years. In 2012, I founded Circulab, a strategy agency and design studio dedicated to the circular economy. Circulab supports companies (Orange, IKEA, La Poste, etc.), associations and local communities (UNESCO, UNIDO, City of Paris, etc.) and helps them rethink their models with the principles of the circular economy.

I co-wrote the book Activate the circular economy in 2015 and host the podcast of the same name about, among other things, issues of business resilience and territorial resilience.

In 2020, with the DICI Design agency, I designed the Business Resilience Game to accelerate the adaptation of companies to the challenges of the 21st century.

Frequently Asked Questions

The goal of the training course is not to make you become an expert on the subject. The goal is to allow you to trigger the transformation of your customers through this matter with great tools such as the Business Resilience Game or the Circular Canvas.

If after 30 days of training, you are not satisfied, we will fully refund the training.

Last update 12/02/2024

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