The Global Observer – October 2022

Circular & Regenerative Economy News around the world

This monthly selection of articles has been brought to you by the Circulab Community - a network of 100+ circular economy experts spread across 22+ territories.

Global News and Trends

TechCrunch - Google opens applications for circular-economy accelerator

With its new accelerator program, Google wants to help environmentally startups grow. The chosen startups will receive a support from Google, have access to Google Cloud credits and mentorship. The company has however been called out for its practices and impact on environment and societies across the board.

Thales - Recycling pods : When the defense industry meets the circular economy

As part of its environmental strategy, Thales is tackling advanced military equipment, filled with rare and environmentally harmful components, with a dedicated team. 

Les Echos Planète - Global warming: these 16 breaking points that threaten us (In French)

Climate change with numerous temperature increases will lead to an irreversible imbalance on Earth. Les Echos Planète analyses in detail the study of the American magazine "Science" which has studied in depth these events and their consequences. 


Europe, Middle East and Africa

EWWR - The European Week for Waste Reduction

The European Week for Waste Reduction will take place from November 19 to 27 and will raise people awareness about waste reduction.

Le Figaro - Duralex stops its production because of the price of energy (In French)

With gas and electricity prices soaring, this glass manufacturer took the decision to close its only factory for 4 months.

EIN News - UK consumers believe companies only commit to the circular economy to profit from it, revealed in a new study by GetApp

This GetApp study illustrates the non-trust of consumers to businesses when it comes to their environmental engagements, particularly about Circular Economy. However, the report also reveals the lack of knowledge and awareness of consumers on Circular Economy topics.

Usbek & Rica - France's laborious process towards food autonomy (In French)

With recent actualities (geopolitical tensions, climate change) it is now necessary for France to recover its food sovereignty. However, there are still many obstacles like the loss of competitiveness and the need to educate consumers.

345 PPM - A very alarming news for France (In French)

According to CITEPA, greenhouse gas emissions in France have not decreased in 2022 compared to September 2021. Not very encouraging... especially when GHG emissions have increased in the transport sector.

Le JDD - Thomas Friang: "Why the circular economy will drive the 4th industrial revolution" (In French)

The think tank Open Diplomacy and the Ecole Nationale Supérieure des Arts et Métiers (ENSAM) co-organized in Bordeaux "Les Rencontres du Développement Durable". The discussions naturally focused on the need to adopt sobriety as a new way of consuming.

RTS - What can be done to improve the circular economy in Switzerland? (In French)

Consumer associations, environmental NGOs and economic actors met in Bern to promote and develop the circular economy on a large scale in Switzerland.

L'ADN - Mushrooms, mining waste, plastic or textile... Norway wants to become the champion of the circular economy (In French)

Every three years, during Oslo Architecture Triennale, the city of Oslo brings together many actors from the world of contemporary architecture and urban planning. At the same time, Oslo Innovation Week was taking place. It was therefore the perfect moment to bring these two events together to reflect on the notion of circularity.

Hospitality ON -Promoting the circular economy for a more sustainable European tourism (In French)

The environment ministers are in favor of the development of circularity and climate action. With the ultimate goal of promoting the sustainable transformation of tourism.

Daily Sabah - Turkish Zero Waste Festival: Reduce, reuse and recycle

"More world with less" was the name of the Zero Waste Festival that took place in Turkey from 14 to 16 of October. The aim was to raise people awareness about the necessity to take care of our ecosystems.


North America

GlobeNewswire - Launching Canada's First-Ever Circular Economy Month 

The First-Ever Circular Economy Month aims at educating and engaging Canadians in the transition to a circular economy. With 87% of Canadians not knowing the concept of circular economy, this initiative is leading the way to a bigger shift in the future.

TechTarget - Fair Repair Act could help spur circular economy model

Due to new regulations, including the Fair Repair Act, manufacturers could be more motivated to integrate circular economy into their business model as they see it as a way to achieve their sustainability goals.

The Stanford Daily - Stanford alumni call for more circular economy

"How can students navigate the shifting landscape of careers in sustainability?". This was the question posed at the  "Approaches to Creating a Circular Economy" event that brought together Stanford alumni and current students.

Sustainable BIZ - Economy, environment can coexist in circular economy: Non-profit

Jo-Anne St. Godard, the executive director of the Circular Innovation Council, a non-profit organization, is encouraging the Canadian gouvernement, citizens, companies to adopt Circular Economy principles in Canada.

Latin America News

Latin America

The European Sting - Why investment in forest restoration is critical for Mexico's future

Mexico's living ecosystem is one of the most diverse and largest in the world. It represents about 12% of the biological diversity of the planet. However, due to deforestation, this ecosystem is more endangered than ever. To combat this problem, initiatives have been developed to support forest restoration.

Le Monde - Chronic drought, water grabbing: in Chile, the lawyers of anger (In French)

Due to the severe drought in the province of Petorca, the river La Ligua has dried up and the inhabitants have to collect the mist to satisfy their water needs. However, on the other side of the valley, the plains are greener than ever... The reason? The vast expanses of avocado trees that create the anger and resentment of the inhabitants.

APAC news

Asia Pacific

Pattaya Mail - Thailand pushes forward green productivity

Circular Economy was one of the topics discussed at the annual meeting of Thailand Productivity Institute and the Asian Productivity Organization. Deputy Permanent Secretary for Industry Panuwat Triyangkulsri even said that the circular economy would be a way to improve Thailand's economic sustainability.

The Straits Times - Singapore, Australia sign trailblazing Green Economy Agreement with 17 joint initiatives

Singapore and Australia will step up their collaboration on the green economy through a new agreement. Australian Prime Minister Lee Hsien Loong hopes the collaboration will set an example and inspire other countries to do the same. 

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